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Mission and Values

Ida Nason Aronica Elementary logoVision

In our school everyone belongs. We are compassionate. We love learning and we learn together. We are a community.

Mission and Goals

Students achieve academic, personal, and social goals in a challenging educational program. The environmental focus encourages students to participate in creating and maintaining healthy environments for learning and living. Students benefit from a sense of belonging, purposeful learning, and opportunities to develop as leaders, stewards and responsible citizens.

Beliefs and Practices

High levels of learning happen for all students when we come together as a Professional Learning Community to refine, adjust and respond to students strengths and needs based on data. Plan, Do, Study, Act Learning Cycle

We commit to shared leadership and believe that our collective ideas, efforts and ongoing learning make us better. We Co-Labor together.

Students achieve academic, personal, and social goals when they participate actively in challenging, meaningful, and engaging projects and activities.

Students thrive in an educational community that involves parents, local businesses, and organizations as partners in teaching and learning.

Stewardship and service-learning provide students with positive community mentors, opportunities to mentor others, introduction to a variety of careers, and the rewarding experience of contribution to their community and world. Students learn what it means to be a Changemaker. Empathy, Kindness and Caring.

Curriculum and instruction have lasting significance when organized thematically around enduring concepts and ideas that engage students in investigation, creativity,  discovery, problem-solving, and decision-making related to real-life issues and events. 

Students need meaningful opportunities to communicate in various forms, work as members of a team, and to select and use appropriate tools and technologies for their projects and learning.